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Ms. Adriana Gonçalves Moreira

Standards Setting Officer, Deputy to Unit Leader


IPPC Secretariat Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00153 Rome, Italy

+ 39 06 570 55 809

[email protected]


Preferred languages

Brief Biography
Adriana coordinates the work of the IPPC Standards Committee, IPPC technical panels and expert working groups, which contribute to drafting International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs). Previously, she was the IPPC Secretariat lead for the Technical Panel on Diagnostic Protocols. Adriana is the IPPC Secretariat’s liaison with several international organizations, helping to ensure mutual interest agreements for implementation of IPPC strategic objectives, mission and vision. She has authored and co-authored several scientific publications, book chapters and training materials. In 2019, she was recognized as one of the FAO 100 Young Employees. Before joining the IPPC, Adriana was a senior plant pathologist in the multinational seed industry. As a plant quarantine lead, she coordinated a post-entry quarantine station accredited by the Brazilian national plant protection organization. Adriana has a PhD in plant pathology, focusing on plant virology. She speaks English, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Languages: Portuguese (mother tongue), English (fluent) and Spanish (working knowledge).