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First detection of Tuta absoluta in South Africa

Publication Date
خميس, 01 سبتمبر 2016, 09:29
اخر تحديث
ديسمبر 1, 2021, 9:13 ص
Report Number
South Africa
Pest Id
Tuta absoluta - (GNORAB)
Report Status
Host plants such as Solanum lycopersicum (Tomatoes), Solanum melongena (Eggplant) and Solanum tuberosum (Potato), may be affected if Tuta absoluta should establish in the areas where it was detected.
Pest Status (old values from ISPM 8 -1998 )
  • Unknown
Geographical Distribution
Several Lepidoptera specimens were detected in yellow delta traps baited with a male sex pheromone. Tuta absoluta was positively identified by a taxonomist from five traps placed on the eastern border of the Mpumalanga province with Mozambique. No crop or other host damage was reported.

Traps were set alongside the border with Mozambique in the Mpumalanga province. Tuta absoluta was detected in five of those traps.

Mainly tomato production in the areas where the pest found.
Contact for info
Ms Muneiwa Ratshilingano Private bag x14 Gezina 0031 South Africa Email: [email protected]
Report files
Tuta absoluta (Tomato leafminer)
Issue keywords
Detection survey Pest
Commodity keywords
Potatoes, fresh or chilled Tomatoes, fresh or chilled

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