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Rationale for Phytosanitary Requirements

Event Reporting
  • Rationale for Phytosanitary Requirements
Publication Date
اخر تحديث
إبريل 17, 2022, 10:14 ص
Short Description

The rationale for phytosanitary requirements is to ensure compliance to international measures that aim at protecting countries against pest introduction, their establishment and spread. Additionally, meeting phytosanitary requirements also enables market access for plants and plant products, ensures food security, food distribution and economic development. Furthermore, plants and the environment are protected thereby by promoting ecosystem protection too.

Contact for Info
Kenneth K. Msiska (PhD) Director - Plant Quarantine and Phytosanitary Service IPPC Contact Point Email: [email protected] Phone No. : +260 977771503
Issue keywords
Phytosanitary Measures
Commodity keywords
Report files

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