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CPM-14 closes with notable achievements and an acknowledgement of outstanding service

Posted on خميس, 18 إبريل 2019, 13:26

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A record 491 participants from 133 countries and 30 observer organizations attended the 14th Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) held from 1-5 April 2019 at FAO Headquarters in Rome. © FAO

5 April 2019, Rome - The recently concluded fourteenth Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-14) session brought together a record 491 participants from 133 countries and 30 observer organizations. It ended successfully with the adoption of the report by all contracting countries.

In his closing remarks, Mr Jingyuan Xia, IPPC Secretary, highlighted several notable achievements which took place at CPM-14:

  • The IPPC Strategic Framework for 2020-2030 was endorsed and will be submitted for final approval by CPM-15 in 2020.

  • Contracting parties endorsed and committed to actively promoting the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) 2020.

  • The five-year investment plan for the IPPC ePhyto solution and the IPPC secretariat were endorsed.

  • Eight standards, including two ISPMs and six diagnostic protocols, were adopted.

  • A commitment was made to support emerging work, with particular attention to commodity and pathway standards, emerging pest response, and e-commerce.

  • This year s IPPC annual theme on plant health and capacity development was extensively showcased, including one keynote address, one special topic session, and one side event.

Mr Xia then thanked the CPM chair Mr Francisco Javier Trujillo Arriaga, CPM Bureau members, IPPC contracting party representatives and observers for their active participation and contributions. He also thanked the IPPC Secretariat staff, interns, volunteers, rapporteurs and interpreters for their hard work to ensure that the CPM ran smoothly.

Finally, Mr Xia, Mr Trujillo and other colleagues and Bureau members expressed deep gratitude to Ms Lois Ransom, former chair of the CPM and outgoing CPM Bureau member, for her long years of committed work and outstanding service.

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Ms Lois Ransom, former CPM chairperson and Bureau member, receives a certificate of outstanding achievement from CPM chair Mr Francisco Javier Trujillo Arriaga. © FAO

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