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Occurrence of Fall Arm Worm (Spodoptera frugiperda) in Mozambique

Publication Date
Mon, 17 Apr 2017, 10:44
April 17, 2017, 10:44 a.m.
Report Number
Pest Id
Spodoptera frugiperda - (LAPHFR)
Report Status
Spodoptera frugiperda was confirmed its occurrence on maize
Pest Status (old values from ISPM 8 -1998 )
  • Present: only in some areas
Pest Status (ISPM 8 - 2021)
  • Present: not widely distributed and under official control
Geographical Distribution
Spodoptera frugiperda was confirmed its presence in all sampled provinces: Maputo, Gaza, Manica, Tete, Zambezia and Niassa

A Spodoptera frugiperda has been recently introduced accidentally in Africa continent, it was first reported in 2016 in Western Africa. In Mozambique symptoms of Fall Arm Worm where reported in central part of the country in Tete province during the agricultural season of 2016/2017. Then in February 2017 the NPPO of Mozambique conducted a survey covering Tete, Manica, Gaza, Maputo, Niassa and Zambezia provinces. The sample where sent to the entomology laboratory at the Faculty of Agronomy-Eduardo Mondlane University, where was confirmed to be Spodoptera frugiperda based on the all sample characteristics collected in the field and the characteristics of emerged adults in the laboratory.

Spodopttra frugiperda is divesting maize pest, it acts as migrant pest and it is polyphagous. It constitute a big threat for the maize production in Mozambique. In the sampled fields the damages were around 40% to 100%
Contact for info
Antonia Vaz Plant Protection Department Email: [email protected] Cell: +258 84 6988646 Domingos Cugala Eduardo Mondlane University-Faculty of Agronomy Email: [email protected] Cell: +258 82 3148430
Report files
PDF File- Survey report
Issue keywords
Pest reporting
Commodity keywords
Maize -corn- flour

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