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Peruvian Declaration of Pest Free Areas for Fruit Flies

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Peru, after many years of work and efforts canalized through SENASA with the support of the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) and with the cooperation of farmers, public & private institutions and general population, has eradicated the fruit flies pests in the southern area of the country. As result of these activities and in accomplishment of the national and international Standards, Peru has declared the Regions of Tacna and Moquegua as Pest free areas of fruit flies, through the Resolucion Directoral Nº 051-2007-AG-SENASA-DSV, published in the Diario Oficial El Peruano on December 29th of 2007. The free area of fruit flies is equivalent to 38000 hectares placed in the Coastal area and Inter-Andean valleys, and benefits directly 17876 farmers. It has been estimated that the eradication of fruit flies will avoid economical losses of US $ 12 millions American dollars in fruit and horticultural crops in both regions, creating opportunities for the national and international trade and render possible the improvement of growers and consumers life level. SENASA keeps working to maintain the status in these regions and look for increasing the pest free areas toward other regions

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