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Ordinance on phytosanitary measures for agriculture and horticulture (OpM-FOAG)

old revision
Reporting Obligation
  • Фитосанитарные требования, ограничения и запреты
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Short Description

The ordinance on phytosanitary measures for agriculture and horticulture (OpM-FOAG) contains emergency measures and derogations. This ordinance links directly to emergency measures and derogations implemented in the EU.

Contact for Info
[email protected]
Ключевые слова
Derogations Emergency action/emergency measures
Ключевые слова по товарам
Файлы отчета
Verordnung des BLW über phytosanitäre Massnahmen für die Landwirtschaft und den produzierenden Gartenbau (VpM-BLW)
Ordonnance de l'OFAG sur les mesures phytosanitaires pour l'agriculture et l'horticulture productrice (OMP-OFAG)
Ordinanza dell'UFAG concernente le misure fitosanitarie per l'agricoltura e l'ortoflorovivaismo esercitato a titolo professionale (OMF-UFAG)

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