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Virtual tools

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Adobe Connect is becoming a standard tool within FAO to facilitate distance work. It allows working on documents on screen while being in communication with other participants. This virtual meeting tool does not require installation of software. However, it requires the use of a headset and the previous installation of the latest version of Adobe Flash (which can be downloaded from the Internet).

The IPPC Secretariat began using virtual meeting tools with expert working groups (EWGs) and technical panels (TPs) in June 2011. The Secretariat can make specific arrangements with FAO Offices in countries to use these tools.

Please note that the installation and use of electronic tools may require prior approval of your organization's IT services.

This web page was last reviewed on 2017-10-03. For assistance in using virtual tools for IPPC meetings or if you find any incorrect information, please e-mail [email protected].

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Doc # Agenda # العنوان Files Publications date
Adobe Connect vs Webex En 06 يناير 2014
Adobe Connect Visual Quick Start Guide En
28 مارس 2013
Virtual Facilitation Audio Specifications En 31 مايو 2011
Adobe Connect Technical Support Telephone Numbers En 31 مايو 2011
Adobe Connect General Presentation En 22 فبراير 2016

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