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Isolated ourbreak of Synchytrium endobioticum is being officially controlled, cf. DNK-15/3

Fecha de publicación
Mar, 14 Mar 2017, 12:46
Última actualización
Mar. 14, 2017, 12:46 p.m.
Número del informe
Plaga identificada
Synchytrium endobioticum - (SYNCEN)
Estado del informe
Warepotatoes for processing into starch
Pest Status (old values from ISPM 8 -1998 )
  • Present: only in some areas
Pest Status (ISPM 8 - 2021)
  • Present: not widely distributed and under official control
Distribución geográfica
The outbreak is limited to four infested ware potato fields located with one grower in the Western part of Denmark, approx. 56o 10´N 9o 10´E.

Denmark declares the following more precise pest status:

Present, in a few fields within one place of production exclusively of ware potatoes for industial processing locally, under official control.

Short description or Summary:

The latest outbreak in Denmark of S. endobioticum had been eradicated in 1989. Since then the pest has never been found in Denmark, where the pest is under general surveillance through official marketing inspection of seed potatoes.

The current outbreak has been diagnosed in September 2014 by microscopy and PCR. The possible origin of the pest is currently unknown. For more than one decade, the grower, using his own machinery only, has been producing and delivering ware potatoes exclusively for one local starch producing factory. The grower has never produced seed potatoes, nor ware potatoes other than for processing.

The pest is a quarantine pest for Denmark and the outbreak is under official control. Delimiting surveys by visual control of tubers have been finalized and is continuing by soil analysis with all relevant fields. Patovar determination is being carried out. The grower^^s tuber harvest of this year is being destroyed by incineration or processing. The infested fields shall be banned from future cropping with potatoes and plants-for-planting for a long period and only become re-approved subsequent to specific surveys, A buffer zone is under consideration for future detection surveys and cropping restrictions

Contacto para obtener más información
Ebbe Nordbo Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries The Danish AgriFish Agency Nyropsgade 30 DK-1780 Copenhagen Denmark email: [email protected]
Archivos de informes
Sitio web
Palabras claves del tema
Delimiting survey Destruction Fungi Outbreak Pathogen Quarantine pests
Palabras clave del producto
