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Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) on Solanum jasminoides and Brugmansia spp. ornamental plants.

Fecha de publicación
Vie, 11 May 2007, 00:00
Última actualización
Mayo 10, 2007, 9:01 a.m.
Número del informe
Netherlands, Kingdom of the
Plaga identificada
Potato spindle tuber viroid - (PSTVD0)
Estado del informe
Solanum jasminoides; Brugmansia suavolens, B. x candida, B.cordata and B. variegata
Pest Status (old values from ISPM 8 -1998 )
  • Transient: actionable, under eradication
Pest Status (ISPM 8 - 2021)
  • Present: transient
Distribución geográfica
several producers of ornamental plants (protected cultivation) in The Netherlands.

This report concerns new findings of PSTVd on several companies growing ornamental plants of Solanaceae in the Netherlands. The PSTVd infections were discovered as part of a specific monitoring survey for viroids in the ornamental plant industry for PSTVd on symptomless ornamental plants. This survey was triggered inter alia by several earlier outbreaks of PSTVd and other pospiviroids in Europe in previous years (predominantly on tomato crops), for which no source of infestation could be identified. It is emphasised that PSTVd is not present on potato or tomato crops in the Netherlands, as confirmed by specific surveys. An earlier finding of PSTVd on ornamental plants of Solanum jasminoides, which resulted from the same survey in the ornamental industry, was reported in July 2006. This finding was directly related to imports and infections at the company concerned, and is considered eradicated. The present outbreak concerns ornamental plants of Solanum jasminoides and Brugmansia spp. The plants do not show symptoms and have been discovered by testing together with back- and forward-tracing during September till November 2006. Infections have been detected at several retail companies producing potted plants for sale to final consumers and one propagation company of Brugmansia spp. Eight consignees of possibly contaminated plants are based in other Member States, which received plants in 2005 and the first half of 2006. The authorities in these Member States have been informed. PSTVd is regulated as a harmful organism for the European Community (Annex I A section I). Measures aimed at eradication are ongoing in the Netherlands.

PSTVd was detected on several companies growing ornamental plants of Solanaceae in the Netherlands. Eight consignees of possibly contaminated plants are based in other Member States of the European Union, which received plants in 2005 and the first half of 2006. The authorities in these Member States have been informed. PSTVd is regulated as a harmful organism for the European Community (Annex I A section I). Measures aimed at eradication are ongoing in the Netherlands. PSTVd is not present in the potato and tomato industry in the Netherlands, as demonstrated by long term surveillance.
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