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Potato wart disease

Fecha de publicación
Lun, 16 Jul 2007, 00:00
Última actualización
Jul. 15, 2007, 9:01 a.m.
Número del informe
Republic of Türkiye
Plaga identificada
Synchytrium endobioticum - (SYNCEN)
Estado del informe
Solanum tuberosum- ware potato (for consumption)
Pest Status (old values from ISPM 8 -1998 )
  • Present: only in some areas
Pest Status (ISPM 8 - 2021)
  • Present: not widely distributed and under official control
Distribución geográfica
Disease was determined to occur in Nev?ehir (in 169 fields), Ni?de (in 68 fields), Kayseri (in 1 field)provinces of Central Anatolia Region and Ordu (in 8 fields), Trabzon (in 5 fields)in Black Sea Region.

Potato (Solanum tuberosum) Wart Disease was detected firstly on potato tubers in Aybast? (Ordu province in Black Sea Region), a non economically important potato growing district, during October 2003. The disease was also found in two of the commercially potato growing provinces of central Anatolia, Ni?de and Nev?ehir in the same year. The potato varieties Agria, Donella, Granola, Marfona and Russet Burbank grown in Ni?de and Nev?ehir provinces were affected from the disease in very low percentages, not exceeding 1% of the total plants. The Ministry of Agriculture has been employing the EU (1969) Council Directive 69/464 of 8 December 1969 on control of Potato Wart Disease. Disease surveys for this pathogen in country are kept on as routine surveys for every year.

First finding of potato wart in potatoes was in 2003. The organism was detected in same field later than in ware potato of commercial fields. The disease has been under the official control since its first detection.
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