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The Swedish Board of Agriculture, under the Ministry of Rural Affairs and Infrastructure, has the function of the National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO).

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The Swedish Plant Protection Organisation The Swedish Board of Agriculture, under the Ministry of Rural Affairs and Infrastructure, has the function of the National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO). The Swedish Board of Agriculture is the government’s expert authority in matters of agri-food policy, responsible for the agricultural and horticultural sectors, and is also the government’s expert authority in phytosanitary issues, including forestry pests. It is the 'Single Authority’ for plant health under EU legislation. The Swedish Board of Agriculture has its central office in Jönköping and regional offices situated in several places throughout the country.

Within the Swedish Board of Agriculture, the Plant and Control Department has the responsibility for phytosanitary policy issues, implementation of the legislation and risk management of plant pests. The Chief Plant Health Officer is placed at the department and represents Sweden in the regional plant protection organization EPPO and the IPPC. The Plant Control Unit is responsible for control activities regarding phytosanitary legislation of the European Union in relation to EU-internal movement of plants and plant products. The Import and Export Control Unit is responsible for control activities regarding phytosanitary import and export control including the issuing of phytosanitary certificates for export or re-export. The Control Units have regional offices in Landskrona, Gothenburg, Linköping and Uppsala.

See also www.jordbruksverket.se/PPS

contacto para información
[email protected]
Palabras clave
National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO)
Palabras clave del producto
Archivos de informes
Sitio web
