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The First IPPC Phytosanitary Capacity Assessment Workshop Successfully Held in Madagascar

Posted on Lun, 13 Mar 2017, 13:14

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Photo: Copyright IPPC 2017, Brunel, Sarah - Madagscar Field visit with participating stakeholders at quarantine facilities

Trained under the STDF401 Project, and funded by the Africa Solidarity Trust Fund (ASTF), Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) facilitator Alphonsine Louhouari, facilitated the first of three Phytosanitary Capacity Assessment Workshops for Madagascar.

The workshop was held from the 31st of January until the 3rd of February 2017 and attended by 15 active participants, suggesting positive outcomes for the remainder of the project. Improved phytosanitary protection is the guarantee of better resilience to climate change, said Patrice Talla Takoukam, the FAO Representative in Madagascar. Sarah Brunel, IPPC Capacity Development Officer, and FAO legal experts also provided their expertise over the course of the four-day workshop.

The objective of this first workshop was to inform all stakeholders of the IPPC phytosanitary capacity assessment process and to stress that the PCE will be conducted by and for the country, according to its choices and pace. This initial step served as a self-diagnosis aimed with identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the Malagasy phytosanitary system. The workshop brought together relevant stakeholders to improve the phytosanitary system including exporters, the Ministry of Agriculture, customs, forestry experts, and researchers.

Alphonsine Louhouari was responsible for coordinating with government officials in order to identify relevant country stakeholders, conducting a gap analysis as well as individual interviews and providing technical advice to national and international legal consultants on the national legislation under review. She found her first PCE facilitation a welcome challenge, noting the importance of being well studied and prepared to answer a range of questions as well having full mastery of the PCEs computerized version. She also noted that the workshop truly reinforced her abilities as an active listener.

A forthcoming mission will take place at the end of April 2017 with PCE Facilitator Alphonsine Louhouari, FAO legal and IPPC experts and will focus on a proposal for phytosanitary legislation and the development of a strategy for phytosanitary capacity building adapted to the needs of Madagascar.

To learn more about the IPPCs Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation Tool

To learn more about recent developments of the STDF401 Project

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Photo: Copyright IPPC 2017, Brunel, Sarah - Madagascar. Alphonsine Louhouari facilitating the PCE in Madagascar

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