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IPPC Webinar on Commodity Standards

16 FEBRUARY 2022 (Wednesday)

Two sessions:

-9:00-11:00 (2 hours, GMT+1, Rome time)

Recording is available at: https://fao.zoom.us

Passcode: IPPC2022+

-17:00-19:00 (2 hours, GMT+1, Rome time)

Recording is available at: https://fao.zoom.us

Passcode: IPPC2022+


A key element of the IPPC’s work is to safeguard plant-based agriculture, the environment and to facilitate safe trade. As part of this effort, the new IPPC Strategic Framework 2020-2030 includes the development of commodity and pathway-specific standards. An expected key result area is that by 2030 commodity-specific standards, with harmonized phytosanitary measures, have facilitated and accelerated trade negotiations and simplified safe trade in plant products.


The overall objective of the webinar is to enhance understanding of the IPPC community about the development agenda item of the IPPC Strategic Framework on commodity standards. As specific objectives, it is intended to enhance the knowledge on the concept of commodity standards, project upcoming work, and provide an update on progress with regard to the draft commodity-based standard for phytosanitary measures (2019-008). It also aims to familiarize the IPPC community with the specification of the Technical Panel on Commodity Standards (TPCS) and the expected work of the panel, as well as to promote submissions during the call for experts for the technical panel. The webinar will also allow discussions on potential partnerships and networks for the development of specific commodity standards.

THE PROGRAMME: In an interview-style format, the panelists will address points on:

  • The concept around the IPPC commodity standards
  • The key principles
  • The development process and the main points of the commodity-based “over-arching” draft ISPM (this draft ISPM is being presented to the CPM-16 (2022) for adoption)
  • The approved Specification TP 6 of the Technical Panel on Commodity Standards (TPCS), soon to start operating
  • Potential benefits and challenges in implementing the IPPC commodity standards, with a focus for developing countries and least developed countries (LDC)
  • Some examples and lessons learned of the development of regional commodity-based standards for phytosanitary measures
  • Projections of future work on the IPPC commodity standards
  • Potential partnerships and networks for development of specific commodity standards, focusing on the work of the Technical Panel


  • Raised awareness among the IPPC community on the progress with regards to commodity standards;
  • Increased understanding of the requirements and work of the members of TPCS;
  • Identified potential partners for developing commodity standards at the regional and global levels.


The webinar will take place virtually on 16 February 2022 (Wednesday). Please choose a convenient day to register for the webinar by clicking on one of the following links:

Interpretation will be provided in all FAO official languages (EN, FR, SP, AR, ZH, RU)


Ezequiel FERRO: IPPC Standard Committee Chairperson, Steward of the Technical Panel on Commodity Standards.

International Phytosanitary Affairs Officer at the National Plant Protection Directorate of the National Service for Agri-Food Health and Quality (SENASA) in Argentina.

David KAMANGIRA: IPPC Standard Committee Vice-Chairperson and representative for Africa region. He is also the IPPC Official Contact Point for Malawi.

Senior Deputy Director for the Technology Management and Regulatory Services at the Department of Agricultural Research Services, Ministry of Agriculture of Malawi.

Sam BISHOP: IPPC Standard Committee member, Steward for the draft “over-arching” ISPM on Commodity-specific standards for phytosanitary measures.

Head of International plant health policy and risk co-ordination / Plant Health Team / Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs of United Kingdom.

Joanne WILSON: IPPC Standard Committee member, Assistant Steward for the draft “over-arching” ISPM on Commodity-specific standards for phytosanitary measures. She is also a APPPC member.

Principal Adviser at the Animal and Plant Health Directorate of the Ministry for Primary Industries of New Zealand.

Alphonsine LOUHOUARI TOKOZABA: IPPC Standard Committee member and representative for Africa region.

Director of Plant Protection at the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Republic of Congo.

Roman VÁGNER: European Commission’s IPPC desk officer and Plant Health Administrator.

European Commission’s Plant Health Unit at DG SANTE (Directorate-General for Health & Food Safety).

The sessions will be moderated by the IPPC Secretariat staff of the Standard Setting Unit:

Adriana G. MOREIRA: IPPC Standard Setting Officer (FAO Programme Specialist)

Deputy Assistant to Unit Leader and current acting as Officer in Charge for Standard Setting Unit (SSU)

Artur SHAMILOV: IPPC Standard Setting Officer (FAO Agricultural Officer)

See documents and promotional video below

This web page was reviewed on 2022-02-11. For queries or comments regarding the contents of this page, please contact [email protected] or [email protected].

Doc Programa Título Archivos Publications date
Promotional presentation/video - All panelists En 11 Feb 2022
Concept note - updated version En 10 Ene 2022

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