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Calls for EWG and TP experts

Once the Standards Committee (SC) approves a specification and resources are identified to hold an expert working group (EWG) meeting, the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat contacts NPPOs and RPPOs through a call to nominate experts to be members of the EWG to develop a draft ISPM. In order to get nominated as an expert, the nominee is requested to sign a statement of commitment. The SC selects the technical experts identified by the NPPOs and RPPOs for the EWG. The EWG meets and produces a draft ISPM and a meeting report. The draft ISPM is then approved for consultation by the SC.

Members of technical panels (TPs) should have the necessary scientific expertise and subject matter experience and should be able to participate and contribute to the proceedings. The steward of the TP is considered a member. Membership of TPs should be reviewed by the SC on a regular basis and may be adjusted as necessary, taking into account, in particular, changes in the needs of scientific or other expertise required and in the professional duties of the experts.

Qualified female applicants, qualified nationals of non-and under-represented member nations, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.


Nominations can be submitted both online and e-mail.

Scroll down to see the current calls.

IMPORTANT: Please make your submissions by using the email address of IPPC Official Contact Point or RPPO and NOT the alternative email address.

Online Submissions

These online submission forms have been created to facilitate the submission process. They also allow you to work with them offline. After completing the form, a confirmation email will be sent to the specified email address with the completed form attached.

Nominations will be accepted from contracting parties, national or regional plant protection organizations (NPPOs or RPPOs) through their respective NPPO or RPPO IPPC Official Contact Point. Self-nominations should be supported by an accompanying letter from the respective IPPC Official Contact Point. A nomination should only be made if the nominee has agreed to their nomination, is available for the meeting dates as posted on the IPPC Calendar, and can allocate appropriate time to the tasks outlined in the Statement of Commitment.

Please also note that some of the fields on the form have data verification (please avoid using spaces in front or at the end in the following fields):

  • Email address of the IPPC Official Contact Point or RPPO - please provide the email address. Make sure that your email address is correct, as you will receive an automated email receipt confirmation from the IPPC Secretariat once you have submitted your nomination.
  • Nominee's first name - please capitalize your first name. Examples: Anna, Muhammad
  • Nominee's last name - please capitalize your last name. Examples: Laurie, Kimura
  • Nominee's email address - please provide the correct email address of the nominee. They will also receive a confirmation to that email address. Example: [email protected]
  • Nominee's mobile number - please provide a telephone number where the Secretariat can reach the nominee as needed. Please use a "+" in front of the number and not use parentheses. Example: +391234567890. The calling code of your county can be found here: https://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/international-calling-codes.htm

In total, the online submission form will be composed of the following documents:

  • Completed nominee details and summary of expertise online form (the forms are enclosed for ease of reference);
  • Completed and signed Statement of Commitment form – should be read carefully by each nominee and discussed between the nominee and their employer. The form should then be signed by the nominee and a senior person in authority from the organization that employs the nominee. The form should be submitted with the nomination (as a scanned image file such as a PDF). The file should be named as follows: COUNTRY_SURNAME_Firstname_commitment;
  • The nominee's Curriculum Vitae (CV) – electronic copy of the nominee's CV with the file named as follows: COUNTRY_SURNAME_Firstname_CV.

Nominations by e-mail

Nominations will be accepted from contracting parties, national or regional plant protection organizations (NPPOs or RPPOs) through their respective NPPO or RPPO official IPPC Contact Point and self-nominations should be supported by an accompanying letter from the respective IPPC contact point.

A nomination should only be made if the nominee has agreed to his/her nomination, is available for the meeting dates as posted on the IPPC Calendar and can allocate appropriate time to the tasks as outlined in the Statement of Commitment. Each nomination must be accompanied by the following documentation:

Completed nominee details and summary of expertise form – (only as a word processing file such as MS Word). All sections should be completed, including contact details, education and professional training. A clear description of the nominee’s expertise is required. See form below.

The file should be named as follows: COUNTRY_SURNAME_Firstname_Summary;

Completed and signed Statement of Commitment form – this should be read carefully by each nominee and discussed between the nominee and their employer. The form should then be signed by the nominee and a senior person in authority from the organization that employs the nominee. See form below.

The form should be submitted with the nomination (as a scanned image file such as PDF). The file should be named as follows: COUNTRY_SURNAME_Firstname_commitment;

The nominee’s Curriculum Vitae (CV) – electronic copy of the nominee’s CV.

The file should be named as follows: COUNTRY_SURNAME_Firstname_CV.

Submissions should be sent to the IPPC Secretariat by e-mail ([email protected]). The name of the nominating country or RPPO and the words “Call for Technical Panel Experts” should be placed in the subject line of the email message.

Funding for experts to attend meetings

The organization that employs an IPPC meeting participant is responsible for funding the travel and daily subsistence allowance for that person to attend. If the employer is unable to allocate sufficient funds, participants are first encouraged to seek assistance from sources other than the IPPC Secretariat. Where such demonstrated efforts to secure assistance have been unsuccessful, requests for assistance (i.e. travel and subsistence costs) from the IPPC Secretariat may be made. However, any support is subject to available funds. The IPPC Secretariat will consider funding assistance for participants following IPPC criteria for funding. Full details on these criteria can be found on the IPP (https://www.ippc.int/publications/criteria-used-prioritizing-participants-receive-travel-assistance-attend-meetings).

It is expected that participants will attend all sessions of the meeting and those participants who plan to attend only part of a meeting should fund their own travel.

2024-07 - IPPC Call for Experts - Technical Panel for the Glossary - Expert for the English language

1. Scope, purpose and tasks of the Technical Panel for the Glossary (TPG)

Please refer to:

2. Specific expertise required

Candidates should have a broad understanding of plant protection systems, have experience in several aspects, including legislation, regulations, surveillance, diagnostics, pest risk analysis, phytosanitary certification and compliance, eradication, pest free areas, etc., and have an understanding of the use of terminology within those systems. In addition, experience in developing or implementing ISPMs is highly desired.

The expert should have an excellent working knowledge of the English language (mother tongue level) to fulfil the role of third expert for the English language.

The expert should be available to participate continuously in the work of the TPG throughout the year and attend all its annual face-to-face meetings and virtual meetings. All meeting dates will be published on the IPPC Calendar.

The Technical panel operates in the English language without interpretation.

The expert will be appointed for a five-year term beginning in 2025 and ending in 2029 inclusive.

Nominations are due 15 September 2024.

Online submissions

Please follow the guide above.


Nominations by e-mail

Please follow the guide above.

The nominee details and summary of expertise form can be found under "Publications" and at the following link: https://www.ippc.int/en/publications/93608/.

Submissions should be sent to the IPPC Secretariat by e-mail ([email protected]) with copy to [email protected] and [email protected].

The name of the nominating country or RPPO and the words "Call for Experts for Technical Panel for the Glossary (TPG)” should be placed in the subject line of the email message.

2024-02 IPPC Call for Experts – Technical Panel on Diagnostic Protocols - Entomologist

Nominations are closed!

This web page was last updated on 2024-07-17. For queries or comments regarding the contents of this page, please contact Emmanuel Plarhar Krah [email protected].

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2024-07 - IPPC Call for Experts - Technical Panel for the Glossary - Expert for the English language - Nominee details and summary of expertise form (English only) En

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