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Viewing tagged as: Invasive Alien Species

Global threats from invasive alien species in the twenty-first century and national response capacities

Posted on Ср, 24 Авг 2016, 09:26

Invasive alien species (IAS) threaten human livelihoods and biodiversity globally. Increasing globalization facilitates IAS arrival, and environmental changes, including climate change, facilitate IAS establishment. Here we provide the first global, spatial analysis of the terrestrial threat from IAS in light …

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Assessing and Managing the Current and Future Pest Risk from Water Hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes an Invasive Aquatic Plant Threatening the Environment and Water Security

Posted on Вт, 23 Авг 2016, 13:11

Understanding and managing the biological invasion threats posed by aquatic plants under current and future climates is a growing challenge for biosecurity and land management agencies worldwide. Eichhornia crassipes is one of the world s worst aquatic weeds. Presently, it …

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Working towards a stronger focus on IPPC Implementation: the Working Group on the Pilot Project on Surveillance convened

Posted on Чт, 30 Июн 2016, 10:22

The Informal Working Group on the IPPC Implementation Pilot Project on Surveillance, attended by 13 plant pest surveillance experts, was held in Bangkok Thailand on 11th - 12th of June 2016. Organized by the APPPC with the cooperation of the …

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Семинар МККЗР по инвазионным чужеродным видам: тенденции и модели инвазий, глобальные последствия и возможные пути реагирования

Posted on Вт, 29 Сен 2015, 16:36

Семинар МККЗР по теме «Инвазионные чужеродные виды: тенденции и модели инвазий, глобальные последствия и возможные пути реагирования» прошел в штаб-квартире ФАО 24 сентября 2015 года. Для выступления с презентацией был приглашен д-р Пьеро Дженовези (Piero Genovesi), председатель Группы специалистов МСОП …

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CBD and its Global Taxonomy Initiative is calling for experts to the Training Course on Rapid Identification of Invasive Alien Species

Posted on Вт, 20 Янв 2015, 11:30

The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)1 is calling for experts to attend a training course as part of the Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI)2. The course entitled: Rapid Identification of Invasive Alien Species is intended to help countries …

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STDF Publication on International Trade and Invasive Alien Species

Posted on Пт, 05 Июл 2013, 16:25

The Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) has posted its new publication, titled International Trade and Invasive Alien Species. The publication, as summarized on the site, reviews and analyses key concepts and principles relevant to Invasive Alien Species (IAS) …

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Inter-Agency Liaison Group on Invasive Alien Species

Posted on Ср, 13 Мар 2013, 16:49

The IPPC Secretariat and FAO recently hosted the Inter Agency Liaison Group on Invasive Alien Species (IALG-IAS) at FAO Headquarters in Rome. Established in 2011, the IALG on IAS focuses on facilitating global cooperation to prevent the introduction of IAS …

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Seminar on International Trade and Invasive Alien Species IAS) 12-13 July 2012 and meeting of the Inter Agency Liaison Group on Invasive Alien Species IALG on IAS) 13 July 2012

Posted on Вт, 25 Сен 2012, 08:10

IPPC participated in a workshop organized by the Standard and Trade Development Facility ( STDF), the IPPC and the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), 12 and 13 July 2012. Three IPPC Secretariat staff members intervened in the meeting, to …

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The 10th Conference of Parties of the CBD gives special consideration to plant health in the newly adopted Nagoya Protocol and in discussions on invasive alien species

Posted on Ср, 17 Ноя 2010, 08:10

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