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Grupo abierto de trabajo sobre un posible mecanismo de cumplimiento para la CIPF

Conforme estén disponibles los documentos para este grupo de trabajo abierto, se presentarán en esta sección. El grupo trabajará en inglés exclusivamente.

Doc Programa Título Archivos Publications date
1 Paper on ensuring compliance with MEAs En 20 Jun 2007
1 UNEP Report of the Implementation Committee under the Non-Compliance Procedure for the Montreal Protocol En 30 Oct 2006
1 UNEP Draft Manual on Compliance with and Enforcement of MEAs En 01 Nov 2004
1 Paper on international forums for non-compliance and dispute settlement En 01 Mar 2001
1 UNEP Procedures and mechanisms on non-compliance under Article 17 of the Stockholm Convention En 28 Feb 2006
1 UNEP Report of the Working Group on Non-Compliance En 28 Sep 2005
1 UNEP Procedures and institutional mechanisms for determining non-compliance En 09 Feb 2006
1 CITES meeting on compliance: Provisional agenda En 01 Jun 2007
1 CBD Article on Cartagena Protocol Compliance En 01 Jun 2007
1 Primer on the Non-Compliance Procedure of the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer En 01 Dic 2006
00 Venue and Accommodation details for the OEWG on Compliance En 27 Jul 2007
17 Report of the OEWG on a Possible Compliance Mechanism under the IPPC En 28 Sep 2007
0 OEWG on Compliance: Provisional Agenda En 01 Jun 2007
0 OEWG on Compliance Questionnaire En 01 Jun 2007
0 OEWG on Compliance Terms of Reference En 01 Jun 2007
1 UNEP Manual on Compliance with and Enforcement of Multilateral Environmental Agreements
01 Jun 2006
1 UNEP Guidelines on Compliance with and Enforcement of Multilateral Environmental Agreements
13 Jun 2007
1 CBD Compliance Committee Draft work plan En 14 Ene 2005
1 CBD Compliance Committee Report En 07 Mar 2007
1 CBD Compliance Committee: Annotations to the Provisional Agenda En 09 Ene 2007
1 CITES Compliance Guidelines En 01 Jun 2007
1 CITES Country Reports En 01 Jun 2007
1 CITES implementation incentives En 01 Jun 2007
1 Paper with comparative analysis of compliance mechanisms En 20 Jun 2007
1 Paper on MEAs and the “Compliance Continuum" En 20 Jun 2007
1 Paper on Aarhus Compliance Mechanism En 01 Abr 2005
1 WTO and MEA Compliance mechanisms En 06 Jun 2001
1 Compliance building under ITPGRFA En 01 Ene 2004

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