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Arabic reformatted standards

Posted on Вт, 04 Июл 2017, 07:42

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The IPPC Secretariat is very pleased to inform its stakeholders that all ISPMs in Arabic, that were affected by the CPM-10 (2015) decision on revoking of standards, have been amended to include various sets of ink amendments previously noted in English. This is a significant alignment of the language versions. The work has been carried out by the IPPC Secretariat and the language review group for Arabic has reviewed the translations of the ink amendments. The IPPC Secretariat encourages all users of the Arabic standards to consult the new and improved versions at the Adopted standards page of the International Phytosanitary Portal (IPP): https://www.ippc.int/en/core-activities/standards-setting/ispms/#publications.

The translated ink amendments have likewise been made publicly available here: https://www.ippc.int/en/core-activities/standards-setting/ispms/ink-amendments/ https://www.ippc.int/en/core-activities/standards-setting/ispm]4

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