3. After the meeting

How do I disseminate the results of the meeting?

It is essential that the  CPM meeting  results be disseminated as widely as possible upon your return, not only out of politeness, but also to inform those persons who contributed to defining regional or national positions. Reporting may take different forms, but it is indispensable that they include not only objective facts, but also personal opinions and, above all, future trends in the matters of greatest interest.

There are various mechanisms for disseminating the results of a meeting:

a.       Institutional reports

Institutional reports should be presented within 15 days following the meeting. Independently of this, it is important that the final draft of the standards adopted during the meeting of the CPM be integrated into the report, since the final versions may take several months to be posted on  the IPP.

In order to ensure that you have the final versions of the draft standard, the document should be collected in the plenary room and, if needed, additional notes taken during the session in which the standard was adopted,. Participants receive a paper - not electronic - version of the document. 

These reports should be circulated to the relevant authorities of the NPPO and related Ministry, as well as to the relevant technical staff of the NPPO.

b.       National reporting meetings

Upon your return to your country, it is important that you convene a meeting to brief the public and private sectors, as well as stakeholders that had participated in the previous national consultation meetings. At that meeting, you should present a full report of the results achieved, reasons for those results and propose support activities as well as future strategies, in order to maintain active contact that will ensure the sustainability of the consultation process.

c.        Analysis of achievements at the regional level 

Several regions, through their RPPO,  analyze the results achieved by using various comparisons, such as the number of observations on the agenda items that were accepted by the plenary, as well as support received from other contracting parties, among other things.


Commitments made

It is possible that during the CPM meeting , commitments were made that were recorded in the meeting report. If this is the case, responsibilities must be assigned immediately and time frames determined for submitting the information or carrying out the action required. Appropriate fulfilment of the commitment is directly related to the image displayed of the country or region, and is therefore fundamental. In many cases, the RPPOs carry out the role of active coordinators of these commitments.

Whenever it is a question of commitments for organizing meetings of Groups of Experts or Technical Groups, it is important to designate persons to be responsible for local logistics and to coordinate activities at the regional level. Support from the private sector in carrying out these activities should never be discounted; on the contrary, they should be encouraged to contribute to these activities and to be aware of their importance and impact.