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CPM-18 Side session on CPM Orientation

15 April 2024 | FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy

The side session on CPM Orientation aims to support participants attending CPM-18, particularly those attending for the first or second time, by providing useful tips and guidance to enhance their understanding of the International Plant Protection Convention, its governance structures and participation at CPM meetings. The session will provide participants with knowledge to better understand how to prepare to attend CPM, the rules of procedure for participating in CPM, how to make interventions, and following up on key CPM outcomes.

Programme here

Presentations are provided below.

Agenda # Title Files Publications date
3. Arop DENG: Governance En 26 Apr 2024
4. Arop DENG: NPPO Roles En 26 Apr 2024
5. Adriana MOREIRA: Standard Setting Overview En 26 Apr 2024
7. Barbara PETERSON, Sarah BRUNEL: Best practices for participating in CPM En 26 Apr 2024

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