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A group of Facilitators from various NPPOs, RPPOs and associated agencies were trained under the auspices of the Beyond Compliance project, which was funded by STDF and implemented by the IPPC, with technical support from Imperial College London. The resulting twelve validated Facilitators, who cover all six FAO languages as detailed below, and the Imperial College London team are available to answer questions about the Beyond Compliance tools and how they support Systems Approach.

In addition to general support, the Facilitators are able to support your use of the tools for a specific trade case or pathway analysis. For this more extensive support, full costs should be covered by those requesting a Facilitator, but please contact this group before preparing any funding application, such as for the STDF Project Preparation Grant, in order to coordinate. If you have feedback or questions about the tools or would like to request support, contact the group through [email protected].