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List of Topics for IPPC Standards

This List of topics for IPPC standards was last updated in October 2023 and reflects the modifications adopted by the CPM or approved by the SC.

Table 1: Technical panels and topics for the Technical Panel on Diagnostic Protocols (TPDP), the Technical Panel for the Glossary (TPG) and the Technical Panel on Phytosanitary Treatments (TPPT)
Table 2: Topics with priorities for the expert working groups (EWGs), Technical Panel on Phytosanitary Treatments (TPPT) and Technical Panel on Commodity Standards (TPCS)
Table 3: Subjects for the Technical Panel on Diagnostic Protocols (TPDP)
Table 4: Subjects for the Technical Panel on Phytosanitary Treatments (TPPT)
Table 5: Subjects for the Technical Panel for the Glossary (TPG)

IPPC Strategic Objectives
A: Food Security
B: Environmental Protection
C: Trade Facilitation
D: Capacity Development

Priority 1 to 4 (with 1 being of high priority and 4 being of low priority)

Notes: Country names and dates are in ISO format (respectively: ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code and YYYY-MM).
The List of topics is presented in order of priority, as requested by CPM-7 (2012).

Table 1: Technical panels and topics for TPDP, TPG and TPPT
Topic No. Current title Drafting body Topic under technical area (if applicable) Added to the list Lead Steward / TP Lead (Country, Date assigned) Assistant Stewards (Country, Date assigned) Spec No  
2004-002 Technical Panel on Diagnostic Protocols TPDP
Mr. Prudence ATTIPOE(GH, 2024-05)
{assist}} (KR, 2024)
2006-005 Bacteria TPDP
CPM 01 (2006)
Mr. Robert TAYLOR(NZ, 2011-05)
2006-006 Fungi and fungus-like organisms TPDP
CPM 01 (2006)
Ms. Julie PATTEMORE(AU, 2020-11)
Ms. Yazmin Rivera RIVERA(US, 2020-11)
2006-007 Insects and mites TPDP
CPM 01 (2006)
Dr. Norman BARR(US, 2012-07)
Ms. Juliet GOLDSMITH(JM, 2014-11)
2006-008 Nematodes TPDP
CPM 01 (2006)
Mme. Géraldine ANTHOINE(FR, 2009-04)
2006-009 Viruses and phytoplasmas TPDP
Ms. Vessela Assenova MAVRODIEVA(US, 2022-05)
2007-001 Plants TPDP
CPM 02 (2007)
Ms. Liping YIN(CN, 2008-04)
Ms. Colette C. JACONO(US, 2020-11)
2006-013 Technical Panel for the Glossary TPG
{assist}} (DK, 2012-11)
2004-005 Technical Panel on Phytosanitary Treatments TPPT
Mr. David OPATOWSKI(IL, 2017-05)
2019-009 Technical Panel on Commodity Standards TPCS
Ms. Joanne WILSON(NZ, 2023-11)
{assist}} (IT, 2023-11)
{assist}} (SY, 2023-11)

Table 2: Topics for EWGs, TPPT and TPCS (sorted by priority, drafting body, then status)
Topic No. Current title Priority Strategic objective Drafting body Added to the list Lead Steward / TP Lead (Country, Date assigned) Assistant Stewards (Country, Date assigned) Spec No Status  
2023-037 Holistic revision of the draft reorganized pest risk analysis standard 0 EWG
CPM-18 (2024)
Mr. Masahiro SAI (JP, 2024-05)
Mrs. Stavroula IOANNIDOU (GR, 2024-05)
- 02. Draft specification to consultation
2008-001 Minimizing pest movement by sea containers 1 B
Mr. Steve CÔTÉ (CA, 2023-11)
Mr. Gerald Glenn PANGANIBAN (PH, 2023-11)
51 00. Pending
2023-020 Revision of ISPM 12 (Phytosanitary certificates) 1 EWG
CPM-18 (2024)
Mrs. Stavroula IOANNIDOU (GR, 2024-05)
Mr. Steve CÔTÉ (CA, 2024-05)
- 01. Topic added to the List of topics
2023-031 Annex Remote audits to ISPM 47 (Audit in the phytosanitary context) 1 EWG
CPM-18 (2024)
Mr. Steve CÔTÉ (CA, 2024-05)
Mr. Nader EL BADRY (EG, 2024-05)
- 01. Topic added to the List of topics
2023-008 ISPM 46 Annex: Seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris 1 TPCS
CPM-18 (2024)
Mr. Harry ARIJS (BE, 2024-05)
Ms. Mariangela CIAMPITTI (IT, 2024-05)
Mr. Eyad MOHAMMAD (SY, 2024-05)
- 01. Topic added to the List of topics
2023-019 ISPM 46 Annex: International movement of citrus fruit 1 TPCS
CPM-18 (2024)
Ms. Joanne WILSON (NZ, 2024-05)
Ms. Mariangela CIAMPITTI (IT, 2024-05)
Mr. Eyad MOHAMMAD (SY, 2024-05)
- 01. Topic added to the List of topics
2023-023 ISPM 46 Annex: International movement of fresh taro (Colocasia esculenta) corm for consumption 1 TPCS
CPM-18 (2024)
Ms. Sophie PETERSON (AU, 2024-05)
Ms. Mariangela CIAMPITTI (IT, 2024-05)
Mr. Eyad MOHAMMAD (SY, 2024-05)
- 01. Topic added to the List of topics
2023-028 ISPM 46 Annex: International movement of fresh banana (Musa paradisiaca) fruit 1 TPCS
CPM-18 (2024)
Ms. Mariangela CIAMPITTI (IT, 2024-05)
Mr. Eyad MOHAMMAD (IT, 2024-05)
- 01. Topic added to the List of topics
2018-009 Design and use of systems approaches for phytosanitary certification of seeds (Annex to ISPM 38 International movement of seeds) 1 EWG
Ms. Marina ZLOTINA (US, 2019-05)
Matías Gonzalez BUTTERA (AR, 2024-05)
- 06. Draft ISPM to first consultation
2021-011 Annex International movement of mango (Mangifera indica) fruit to ISPM 46 (Commodity-specific standards for phytosanitary measures) 1 A
Ms. Joanne WILSON (NZ, 2022-05)
- 07. Draft ISPM to second or subsequent consultation
2020-001 Reorganization and revision of pest risk analysis standards 1 EWG
Mr. Masahiro SAI (JP, 2020-09)
Ms. Joanne WILSON (NZ, 2020-09)
- 04. Draft ISPM under development
2023-014 Revision of ISPM 23 (Guidelines for inspection) 2 EWG
CPM-18 (2024)
Mr. Masahiro SAI (JP, 2024-05)
Mr. Harry ARIJS (BE, 2024-05)
- 01. Topic added to the List of topics
2023-018 ISPM 46 Annex: International movement of Vitis vinifera fruit 2 TPCS
CPM-18 (2024)
Ms. Joanne WILSON (NZ, 2024-05)
Ms. Mariangela CIAMPITTI (IT, 2024-05)
Mr. Eyad MOHAMMAD (SY, 2024-05)
- 01. Topic added to the List of topics
2023-024 ISPM 46 Annex: International movement of Malus domestica fruit for consumption 2 TPCS
CPM-18 (2024)
Ms. Joanne WILSON (NZ, 2024-05)
Ms. Mariangela CIAMPITTI (IT, 2024-05)
Mr. Eyad MOHAMMAD (SY, 2024-05)
- 01. Topic added to the List of topics
2023-027 ISPM 46 Annex: International movement of fresh orange (Citrus sinensis) fruit 2 TPCS
CPM-18 (2024)
Ms. Joanne WILSON (NZ, 2024-05)
Ms. Mariangela CIAMPITTI (IT, 2024-05)
Mr. Eyad MOHAMMAD (SY, 2024-05)
- 01. Topic added to the List of topics
2021-018 Field inspection (Annex to ISPM 23 (Guidelines for inspection)) 2 A
Mr. Masahiro SAI (JP, 2022-04)
Ms. Mariangela CIAMPITTI (IT, 2022-05)
- 06. Draft ISPM to first consultation
2021-010 Revision of ISPM 26 (Establishment of pest free areas for fruit flies (Tephritidae)) 2 A
Ms. Joanne WILSON (NZ, 2022-05)
Mr. Prudence ATTIPOE (GH, 2022-05)
- 06. Draft ISPM to first consultation
2014-001 Pest risk management for quarantine pests 2 A
CPM 09 (2014) Ms. Joanne WILSON (NZ, 2019-05)
Ms. Marina ZLOTINA (US, 2019-05)
63 04. Draft ISPM under development
2006-010 Revision of ISPM 15 (Regulation of wood packaging material in international trade): Criteria for treatments for wood packaging material in international trade 2 B
Harry ARIJS (EU, 2023-08)
Mr. David KAMANGIRA (MW, 2022-05)
31 04. Draft ISPM under development
2008-002 Minimizing pest movement by air containers and aircrafts 3 B
Mr. Steve CÔTÉ (CA, 2023-11)
Mr. Gerald Glenn PANGANIBAN (PH, 2023-11)
52 00. Pending
2015-004 Use of systems approaches in managing the pest risks associated with the movement of wood (Annex to ISPM 39: International movement of wood) 3 B
Mr. Steve CÔTÉ (CA, 2022-05)
Harry ARIJS (BE, 2022-05)
- 07. Draft ISPM to second or subsequent consultation
2014-003 Requirements for the use of chemical treatments as a phytosanitary measure 3 A
CPM 09 (2014) Mr. David OPATOWSKI (IL, 2017-11)
Mr. Michael ORMSBY (NZ, 2016-11)
62 04. Draft ISPM under development

Table 3: Subjects for TPDP (sorted by priority, topic under, then status)
Topic No. Current title Priority Strategic objective Topic under technical area (if applicable) Added to the list Discipline Lead (Country) Referee Status  
2019-011 Revision of DP 5 (Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlpine)) Aa 1 A
Fungi and fungus-like organisms 2019-11 SC
Ms. Yazmin Rivera RIVERA (US, 2020-11)
Mr. Robert TAYLOR (NZ, 2020-11)
Ms. Julie PATTEMORE (AU, 2020-11)
00. Pending
2023-012 Detection and identification of Halyomorpha halys 1 Insect 2023 -11 SC
Mr. David OUVRARD (FR, 2024-06)
Dr. Norman BARR (US, 2024-06)
Ms. Juliet GOLDSMITH (SR, 2024-06)
01. Topic added to the List of topics
2023-026 Avocado sun blotch viroid 1 Virus 2023 -11 SC
Andrew APPIAH (GH, 2023-10)
Ms. Vessela Assenova MAVRODIEVA (US, 2023-10)
01. Topic added to the List of topics
2023-029 Thaumatotibia leucotreta 1 Insect 2023 -11 SC
Ms. Juliet GOLDSMITH (SR, 2023-10)
Mr. David OUVRARD (FR, 2024-06)
Dr. Norman BARR (US, 2024-06)
01. Topic added to the List of topics
2019-003 Microcyclus ulei 1 B
Fungi and fungus-like organisms 2019-05 SC
Ms. Julie PATTEMORE (AU, 2022-11)
Mme. Géraldine ANTHOINE (FR, 2019-08)
Ms. Yazmin Rivera RIVERA (US, 2020-11)
01. Topic added to the List of topics
2021-004 Revision of DP 27 Ips spp. 1 B
Insects and mites 2021-02 SC
Dr. Norman BARR (US, 2021-04)
Ms. Juliet GOLDSMITH (JM, 2021-04)
06. Draft ISPM to first consultation
2021-016 Spodoptera frugiperda 1 A
Insects and mites 2021-11 SC
Ms. Juliet GOLDSMITH (JM, 2022-04)
Dr. Norman BARR (US, 2022-04)
04. Draft ISPM under development
2021-017 Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) 1 A
Insects and mites 2021-11 SC
Dr. Norman BARR (US, 2022-04)
Ms. Juliet GOLDSMITH (JM, 2022-04)
04. Draft ISPM under development
2021-025 Tomato brown rugose fruit virus 1 A
Viruses and phytoplasmas 2021-11 SC
Ms. Vessela Assenova MAVRODIEVA (US, 2022-04)
Mme. Géraldine ANTHOINE (FR, 2022-04)
04. Draft ISPM under development
2006- 028 Tephritidae: Identification of immature stages of fruit flies of economic importance by molecular techniques 1 B
Insects and mites 2006-11 SC
Dr. Norman BARR (US)
04. Draft ISPM under development
2018-025 Citrus leprosis virus 1 B
Viruses and phytoplasmas 2018-11 SC
Ms. Vessela Assenova MAVRODIEVA (US, 2022-04)
Dr. Norman BARR (US, 2019-08)
04. Draft ISPM under development
2018-030 Psyllid vectors of Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum 1 B
Insects and mites 2018-11 SC
Dr. Norman BARR (US, 2019-08)
Ms. Juliet GOLDSMITH (JM, 2019-08)
04. Draft ISPM under development
2021-001 Revision of DP 03: Trogoderma granarium Everts 1 A
Insects and mites 2021-02 SC
Dr. Norman BARR (US, 2021-04)
Ms. Juliet GOLDSMITH (JM, 2021-04)
04. Draft ISPM under development
2019-010 Pyricularia oryzae (syn. Magnaporthe oryzae) on Triticum spp. 1 A
Fungi and fungus-like organisms 2019-05 SC
Ms. Julie PATTEMORE (AU, 2020-04)
Ms. Yazmin Rivera RIVERA (US, 2020-11)
04. Draft ISPM under development
2023-003 Oryctes rhinoceros 2 Insect 2023 -11 SC
Mr. David OUVRARD (FR, 204-06)
Ms. Juliet GOLDSMITH (SR, 2023-11)
Dr. Norman BARR (US, 2024-06)
01. Topic added to the List of topics
2023-009 High-throughput sequencing identification of pure culture of phytopathogenic regulated bacteria isolated from plants 2 None 2023 -11 SC
Ms. Yazmin Rivera RIVERA (US, 2023-11)
Mr. Robert TAYLOR (NZ, 2023-11)
01. Topic added to the List of topics
2023-015 Bactrocera correcta 2 Insect 2023 -11 SC
Dr. Norman BARR (US, 2023-10)
01. Topic added to the List of topics
2023-016 Bactrocera tsuneonis and Bactrocera minax 2 Insect 2023 -11 SC
Dr. Norman BARR (US, 2023-10)
Ms. Juliet GOLDSMITH (SR, 2024-06)
Mr. David OUVRARD (FR, 2024-06)
01. Topic added to the List of topics
2021-002 Revision of DP 09 Genus Anastrepha 2 A
Insects and mites 2021-02 SC
Dr. Norman BARR (US, 2021-04)
Ms. Juliet GOLDSMITH (JM, 2021-04)
06. Draft ISPM to first consultation
2021-003 Revision of DP 25 Xylella fastidiosa 2 A
Bacteria 2021-02 SC
Mr. Robert TAYLOR (NZ, 2021-04)
Mme. Géraldine ANTHOINE (FR, 2023-11)
06. Draft ISPM to first consultation
2021-013 Bactrocera zonata (Saunders, 1842) 2 A
Insects and mites 2021-11 SC
Dr. Norman BARR (US, 2022-04)
Ms. Juliet GOLDSMITH (JM, 2022-04)
04. Draft ISPM under development
2021-014 Dickeya spp. on potato 2 A
Bacteria 2021-11 SC
Mr. Robert TAYLOR (NZ, 2022-04)
Mme. Géraldine ANTHOINE (FR, 2022-04)
04. Draft ISPM under development
2018-031 Pospiviroid species (except Potato spindle tuber viroid (DP 7)) 2 B
Viruses and phytoplasmas 2018-11 SC
Ms. Vessela Assenova MAVRODIEVA (US, 2020-09)
Ms. Julie PATTEMORE (AU, 2022-11)
04. Draft ISPM under development
2018-032 Acidovorax avenae subsp. Citrulli 2 B
Bacteria 2018-11 SC
Mr. Robert TAYLOR (NZ, 2019-08)
Mme. Géraldine ANTHOINE (FR, 2019-08)
04. Draft ISPM under development
2019-006 Amaranthus palmeri 2 B
Plants 2019-05 SC
Vijayasankar RAMAN (US, 2023-10)
Ms. Juliet GOLDSMITH (JM, 2019-08)
04. Draft ISPM under development
2019-007 Solanum rostratum 2 B
Plants 2019-05 SC
Vijayasankar RAMAN (US, 2023-10)
Mme. Géraldine ANTHOINE (FR, 2019-08)
04. Draft ISPM under development
2023-010 Alopecurus myosuroides 3 Plant 2023 -11 SC
Vijayasankar RAMAN (US, 2023-10)
Mme. Géraldine ANTHOINE (FR, 2023-10)
Dr. Norman BARR (US, 2023-10)
01. Topic added to the List of topics
2019-005 Moniliophthora roreri 3 B
Fungi and fungus-like organisms 2019-05 SC
Ms. Julie PATTEMORE (AU, 2020-11)
Ms. Juliet GOLDSMITH (JM, 2019-08)
Ms. Yazmin Rivera RIVERA (US, 2020-11)
01. Topic added to the List of topics
2021-015 Heterobasidion annosum 3 A
Fungi and fungus-like organisms 2021-11 SC
Ms. Yazmin Rivera RIVERA (US, 2022-04)
Mr. Robert TAYLOR (NZ, 2022-04)
05. Draft DP to expert consultation
2018-019 Meloidogyne mali 3 B
Nematodes 2018-11 SC
Mme. Géraldine ANTHOINE (FR, 2019-08)
Dr. Norman BARR (US, 2019-08)
05. Draft DP to expert consultation
2018-015 Cronartium comandrae Peck 4 B
Fungi and fungus-like organisms 2018-11 SC
Ms. Yazmin Rivera RIVERA (US, 2020-11)
Mme. Géraldine ANTHOINE (FR, 2019-08)
Ms. Julie PATTEMORE (AU, 2020-11)
04. Draft ISPM under development

Table 4: Subjects for TPPT (sorted by priority, status, then topic number)
Topic No. Current title Priority Strategic objective Added to the list Treatment Lead (Country, Date assigned) Assistant Lead (Country, Date assigned) Status  
2007-114 Heat treatment of wood using dielectric heating 1 B
2011-11 SC
Mr. Michael ORMSBY (NZ, 2006-12)
00. Pending
2023-032 Combination of Modified Atmosphere and Irradiation Treatment for Trogoderma granarium 1 A
2023 -11 SC
Dr. Scott W. MYERS (US, 2023-08)
06. Draft ISPM to first consultation
2023-033 Irradiation treatment for Pseudococcus baliteus 1 A
2023 -11 SC
Mr. Michael ORMSBY (NZ, 2023-08)
06. Draft ISPM to first consultation
2023-034 Irradiation treatment for Paracoccus marginatus 1 A
2023 -11 SC
Meghan NOSEWORTHY (CA, 2023-08)
06. Draft ISPM to first consultation
2023-035 Irradiation treatment for Planococcus lilacinus 1 A
2023 -11 SC
Takashi KAWAII (JE, 2023-08)
06. Draft ISPM to first consultation
2017-012 Irradiation treatment for all stages of the family Pseudococcidae (generic) 1 A
2018-05 SC
Daojian YU (CN, 2017-07)
04. Draft ISPM under development
2021-027 Cold treatment of Drosophila suzukii on Vitis vinifera 1 A
2022-05 SC
Mr. Eduardo WILLINK (AR, 2022-05)
04. Draft ISPM under development
2021-028 Vapour heat treatment for Planococcus lilacinus 1 A
2022-05 SC
Mr. Michael ORMSBY (NZ, 2021-11)
04. Draft ISPM under development
2021-029 Irradiation treatment for all stages Aspidiotis destructor 1 A
2022-05 SC
Guoping ZHAN (CN, 2022-09)
04. Draft ISPM under development
2023-004 Cold treatment for Zeugodacus tau on Citrus sinensis 1 A
2023 -11 SC
Mr. Toshiyuki DOHINO (JP, 2023-08)
04. Draft ISPM under development
2017-028 Sulfuryl fluoride fumigation treatment for Chlorophorus annularis on bamboo articles 2 B
2018-05 SC
Mr. Eduardo WILLINK (AR, 2017-07)
04. Draft ISPM under development
2017-030 Generic irradiation treatment against all insects except Lepidoptera larvae and pupae 2 A
2018-05 SC
Dr. Scott W. MYERS (US, 2018-06)
04. Draft ISPM under development
2017-018 Irradiation treatment for Epiphyas postvittana 2 A
2018-05 SC
Daojian YU (CN, 2017-10)
04. Draft ISPM under development
2018-001 Phytosanitary irradiation treatment of fresh commodities against Liriomyza sativa, L. trifolii and L. huidobrensis 2 A
2018-05 SC
Mr. Enkerlin WALTHER (AT, 2019-07)
04. Draft ISPM under development
2017-019 Irradiation treatment for Frankliniella occidentalis on all fresh commodities 3 A
2018-05 SC
Mr. Toshiyuki DOHINO (JP, 2018-03)
04. Draft ISPM under development
2023-006 Methyl iodide fumigation of Carposina sasakii on Malus × domestica 3 A
2023 -11 SC
Dr. Scott W. MYERS (US, 2023-08)
04. Draft ISPM under development

Table 5: Subjects for TPG (sorted in English alphabetical order)
Topic No. Current title Drafting body Topic under technical area (if applicable) Added to the list Status  
1994-001 Amendments to ISPM 5 (Glossary of phytosanitary terms) TPG
None 09. ISPM adopted
2010-030 Review of the use of and/or in adopted ISPMs TPG
Amendments to ISPM 5 (Glossary of phytosanitary terms) 2010-04 SC
04. Draft ISPM under development