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Legislation: Phytosanitary Requirements/Restrictions/Prohibitions from Thailand

Title Report files Publication Date Last Updated  
  Plant Quarantine ACT B.E.2507 and amended legislation (EN)
06 Jul 2011 02 Mar 2017
  Notification of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives: Plants and Carriers as Prohibited articles (no.5) legislation (EN)
06 Jul 2011 02 Mar 2017
  Notification of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives: Plant pests as prohibited articles (no.7) legislation (EN)
06 Jul 2011 02 Mar 2017
  Notification of Department of Agriculture: Condition for Pest Risk Analysis legislation (EN)
06 Jul 2011 02 Mar 2017
  Notification of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives: Plants from certain sources as prohibited articles (no.8) legislation (TH)
06 Jul 2011 02 Mar 2017
  Notification of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives: Plant pests as prohibited articles (no.6) legislation (EN)
06 Jul 2011 02 Mar 2017
  BLANK 06 Jul 2011 02 Mar 2017
  Notification of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives: Plants from certain sources as prohibited articles (no.10) legislation (TH)
06 Jul 2011 02 Mar 2017
  Forms of Phytosanitary Certificate and Phytosanitary Certificate for re-export legislation (EN)
19 Aug 2014 02 Mar 2017
  Notification of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives: Plants and Carriers from certain sources as restricted articles legislation (TH)
01 Mar 2017 02 Mar 2017
  Notification of Department of Agriculture Re : Criteria, procedures and conditions for the importation or bringing in transit of prohibited, restricted and unprohibited articles B.E. 2551 (2008) legislation (TH)
legislation (EN)
01 Mar 2017 02 Mar 2017
  Updated New Format of Thai Phytosanitary Certificate new updated format of Thai PC
17 Jan 2022 10 Aug 2022