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IPPC webinar provides guidance on process of submitting proposals for IPPC standards and implementation resources

Posted on Fri, 30 Jun 2023, 13:09

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© FAO/Arete/ Ismail Taxta

Rome, 20 June 2023. The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat successfully held a webinar to guide participants on how to submit quality proposals on phytosanitary topics that will be considered for inclusion in the IPPC work programme. Titled Enhancing quality of new topic proposals for implementation of IPPC Strategic Framework 2020-2030, the webinar served to demonstrate the process of submitting proposals for topics relevant for developing phytosanitary standards and resources to implement them, such as guides and training materials. Held in two separate sessions to accommodate participants in different time zones, the webinar aimed to strengthen the capacity and cooperation of national and regional plant protection organisations (NPPOs, RPPOs). It also intended to raise awareness and share valuable insights on how to make quality and successful topic submissions.

New topics may include those on International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs); new components to existing ISPMs, such as supplements, annexes, appendices, or glossary terms; revisions or amendments to adopted ISPMs and new diagnostic protocols. Topics may also focus on implementation resources such as new guides, e-learning courses, training kits or videos and revisions to existing IPPC implementation resources.

Participants included editors of the International Phytosanitary Portal, NPPO and RPPO staff and others in the plant health community. They actively engaged during the webinar, asking questions to increase their understanding of the process. They were encouraged to ensure that their topic proposals align with the IPPC Strategic Framework 2020–2030 and the relevant development agenda items. Without this linkage, submissions could potentially be rejected.

IPPC Secretariat staff, members of Task Force for Topics, the Standards Committee, the Implementation and Capacity Development Committee and the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) Bureau explained the online submission process and gave tips for making successful submissions. Speakers emphasized the importance of providing correct supporting documentation, particularly a draft specification when proposing a standard (new, revised or amendment) or implementation resources. Presenters also guided participants to use key IPPC reference materials in preparing their proposals, including the Framework for Standards and Implementation, IPPC Procedure Manual for Standard Setting (2021-2022) and the Process for the Development of IPPC Guides and Training Materials (2023). They further encouraged participants to collaborate at national and regional levels to gather all the information required for their topic submissions to limit duplication of proposal ideas.

The IPPC Call for topics for standards and implementation resources, made every two years, opened on 5 May 2023 and closes on 15 September 2023. NPPOs and RPPOs can submit proposals, while affiliated institutions must channel their requests through the respective NPPO or RPPO.

The webinar also highlighted the steps following submission. Once submitted, the IPPC Secretariat receives and formats all submissions and follows up on any missing information from applicants. Submissions are then sent to the IPPC Task Force on Topics, which assesses them and makes recommendations on standards or implementation resources to the respective committee. After rounds of discussion, the committees present the reviewed topics to the CPM which gives the final approval.

The webinar recording will be available on the IPPC website and YouTube playlist.

Related information:

Call for Topics: Standards and Implementation

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