Posted on Wed, 19 May 2021, 08:57
©FAO/Ezequiel Becerra
Rome, 14 May 2021. The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) is the global standard setting body for phytosanitary trade of plants and plant products. International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) harmonize actions to facilitate international trade of plants and plant products between IPPC contracting parties. The IPPC Standards Committee (SC) works to establish a level playing field to safely trade plants and plant products by providing a framework for establishing global trading standards.
The SC met virtually from 11 to 14 May 2021 to advance four draft ISPM that the committee plans to send to IPPC contracting parties for consultation period. After thoroughly revising the drafts, the SC agreed to submit for consultation, as provided below:
• Revision of ISPM 4 (Requirements for the establishment of pest free areas)
• Use of specific import authorization (Annex to ISPM 20: Guidelines for a phytosanitary import regulatory system)
• Draft revision of ISPM 18 (Requirements for the use of irradiation as a phytosanitary measure)
• Draft 2021 Amendments to ISPM 5 (Glossary of phytosanitary terms)
During the meeting, the SC also re-elected Mr Ezequiel Ferro (Argentina), as Chairperson for an additional year. While the COVID-19 pandemic prevents in-person meetings, the SC’s work continues in the realm of virtual meetings. As a result, the SC is sending revisions electronically prior to virtual meetings to ensure that the quality of the draft ISPMs are maintained throughout the pandemic challenges. For example, throughout the year the SC will have a series of “focused meetings” to continue program oversight and guidance for delivery to the Technical Panels (TPs).
“The Standards Committee is making a significant effort to work virtually, considering the wide range of time zones of members attending the meetings. We have had a fruitful meeting this week, having achieved the main objective we had set for ourselves: to address and approve for first consultation the 4 draft standards included on the agenda. I would also like to highlight that the SC has achieved this in a context of “virtual” that is demanding more activity from members since new focused meetings are being added to the May and November ordinary meetings. The SC is highly committed to delivering its work program even in an adverse situation”, noted Mr Ferro.
Ms Adriana G. Moreira, IPPC Standards Officer and FAO Program Specialist commented, “the work of the SC is fundamental to ensure continuity of international safe trade, especially during times in which food security may be under threat”.
The report of the SC May 2021 virtual meeting will be posted on the IPP at the following link:
@FAO. IPPC Standards Committee 2021 May meeting.