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CPM Focus Group on Strengthening Pest Outbreak Alert and Response Systems

This web page was last updated on 2023-02-17. For further information please contact [email protected].

Doc Ordre du jour Titre Fichiers Publications date
2021-05 CPM FG POARS VM05 Report En 07 Jui 2021
2021-03 CPM FG POARS VM03 Report En 12 Avr 2021
2021-09 CPM FG POARS VM09 Report En 04 Fév 2022
2021-08 CPM FG POARS VM08 Report En 20 Sep 2021
2021-01 CPM FG POARS VM01 Report En 29 Jan 2021
Membership List Focus Group for Strengthening Pest Outbreak Alert and Response Systems En 16 Déc 2020
POARS Steering Group Membership list En
2021-02 CPM FG POARS VM02 Report En 12 Avr 2021
Terms of Reference CPM Focus Group Strengthening Pest Outbreak Alert and Response Systems En 23 Sep 2020
2021-04 CPM FG POARS VM04 Report En 28 Jul 2021
2021-06 CPM FG POARS VM06 Report En 28 Jul 2021
2021-07 CPM FG POARS VM07 Report En 09 Aoû 2021

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