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Harmonized pest list for seed-addendum to the annex one of the phytosanitary and quarantine regulation

Reporting Obligation
  • Exigences, restrictions et interdictions phytosanitaires
Date de publication
Dernière mise à jour effectuée le
Brève description

Under the seed circulation harmonization procedures ongoing in the SADC region the Mozambique Plant Protection Organization is notifying the harmonized pest list which require control when seed is commercialized within the SADC region (table 1) and the harmonized pest list which require control when the seed is imported from other regions to SADC (table 2). The documents being notified are addendum to the annex one of the phytosanitary and quarantine regulation regarding the requirements for import and export, they will enter into force on 1st April.

Contact for Info
Armando marcos Come; head of Quarentine division Adress: DSV; Recinto do IIAM; CP 3658 Email: [email protected]; cell: +258 844968334
Mots-clés associés à la marchandise
Fichiers de rapports
PDF File- Mozambique pest list for seed among SADC region
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