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Enhancing Bilateral Cooperation between the IPPC Secretariat and the DG SANTE of the European Commission

Posted on mer, 05 Déc 2018, 15:45

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29 November 2018, Brussels - The IPPC delegation met with representatives from the European Commission s (EC) DG SANTE and briefed them on important activities of the IPPC Secretariat, such as developing the IPPC strategic framework for 2020-2030; promoting commodity and pathway standards; enhancing safe and efficient trade, preparing for celebration of the International Year of Plant (IYPH) 2020; and dealing with emerging regulated pests.

The IPPC Secretary, Mr Jingyuan Xia, also expressed his sincere gratitude and appreciation to DG SANTE for its continuous and generous support to the IPPC s work programme in cooperation with DG TRADE. He further urged DG-SANTE for more support to the IPPC work programme, in particular for IYPH initiative, commodity and pathway standards, and emerging regulated pests.

Mr Bernard Van Goethem, Director of the Directorate of Crisis management in food, animals and plants, welcomed the IPPC delegates to DG-SANTE, and expressed his appreciation to the IPPC Secretariat for the fruitful cooperation with the EC. He also reiterated the DG-SANTE s strong interest in supporting the IPPC s work programme, in particular for celebrating IYPH 2020, developing commodity and pathway standards, and fighting against emerging regulated pests including Xylella, Emerald ash borer, and Fall armyworm (FAW).

The IPPC delegation consisted of Mr Jingyuan Xia, (IPPC Secretary), Mr Marko Benovic (Budget and Planning Officer) and Mr Tommaso Teti (Project Management Associate). Representatives from DG SANTE included Mr Bernard Van Goethem (Director of the Directorate of Crisis management in food, animals and plants), Mr Philippe Loopuyt (Head of Unit), Ms Dorothée Andre` (Head of Unit), Mr Harry Arijs (Deputy Head of Unit), and Mr Roman Vagner (Policy officer). The IPPC Delegation was also accompanied by Ms Zoé Druilhe (FAO Liaison Officer).

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