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Expert Consultation on Phytosanitary Treatments for the Bactrocera dorsalis complex

Posted on jeu, 11 Déc 2014, 16:08

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Twenty-four researchers from twelve countries met in Okinawa, Japan, between 1 and 5 December 2014 for an expert consultation on phytosanitary treatments for fruit flies belonging to the Bactrocera dorsalis complex. The meeting was hosted by the Plant Quarantine Office of the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and partly funded by Japan, the FAO/IAEA Joint Division of Nuclear Techniques in Agriculture and the IPPC Secretariat.

Setting the scene was a discussion of the implications of the recent taxonomic synonymization of four fruit fly pests in the Bactrocera genus on the application of phytosanitary measures particularly in sub-Saharan Africa where B. dorsalis outbreaks have been occurring in recent years.

Participants presented their countries research on phytosanitary treatments against the different fruit flies. Issues in the design, conduct, operationalization, evaluation and presentation of the data of post-harvest treatments were discussed. Participants collated a comprehensive list of NPPO-approved treatments for B. dorsalis complex species.

Plans for future collaboration among the experts involved in the meeting notably included the publication of a paper that is to provide a phytosanitary treatment toolbox that describes available phytosanitary treatments against B. dorsalis, the market access obtained with their use, any problems encountered with treatment efficacy and possible effects on the quality of the fruit. Using this as a basis, future research needs can be identified. The participants from this meeting were invited to consider joining the Phytosanitary Temperature Treatments Expert Group, possibly forming a sub-group focused on B. dorsalis research concerns.

The meeting report will be posted soon on the expert consultation website.

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