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Viewing tagged as: Environmental Protection

CPM-13 Special Topics Session on Plant Health and Environment Protection

Posted on ven, 27 Avr 2018, 07:44

A Special Topics Session on Plant Health and Environment Protection was held on 19 April 2018 during the 13th Session of the Commission for Phytosanitary Measures. The Session aimed at promoting the IPPC 2018 annual theme Plant Health and Environment …

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CPM-13 Side Session on Plant Health and Environmental Protection held at FAO HQs

Posted on mar, 17 Avr 2018, 18:31

A successful side session on the 2018 IPPC annual theme Plant Health and Environmental Protection was held at FAO Headquarters in Rome on Monday 16 April at the margins of the thirteenth session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-13). …

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