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IPP Help Guide (Part I): IPP Navigation & Browsing

mer, 03 Aoû 2005, 00:00
Folleto no.06a
En Es

This part of the draft version of an IPP Help Guide provides some useful information on the following sections:

About the IPP (General information)

FAQs (General information)

Navigating and browsing the IPP

Organization of information

A quick guide to entering information into the IPP (for NPPOs) and Online Help Manual (already available in each data entry form)

Note: The NPPO Data Entry Help Manual is available through the file IPP Help Guide (Part II) and Templates for NPPO data entry forms are available under Handout no.7. Los siguientes temas se concibieron como ayuda para el uso del PFI: Ayuda (a) - Folleto no. 6a: Acerca del PFI; Preguntas frecuentes; Navegar en el PFI; Organización de la información; Manual de ayuda para incorporar datos de CNPF (ayuda (b)- Folleto no. 6b); Plantillas para incorporar datos de CNPF (Folleto no. 7).

Date d'envoi
NRO and IPP training

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