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2022-06 Good practices for monitoring and evaluation of national phytosanitary systems



This report provides insights into good practices for monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of national phytosanitary systems. Sharing these good M&E practices will enhance learning across the IPPC community and encourage National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs) to develop national level phytosanitary M&E systems. M&E can play a supporting role in the implementation of national strategies for phytosanitary systems, and in the implementation of the IPPC Strategic Framework (2020–2030). NPPOs that have M&E systems and processes in place can respond more effectively to changing circumstances and can manage their work to align with national and international strategic plans or frameworks. Learning from each other on what works in different contexts can help countries improve M&E practices and thus increase the impact of their work to keep plant resources free of pests.

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