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Phytosanitary treatments for regulated pests

mar, 13 Jul 2021, 00:00
Ru Ar Zh
En Es Fr

Note: the Secretariat has posted a revised version on 2014-04-28, to reflect the addition of PT-15, adopted at CPM-9.

The treatments presented in the annexes to the ISPM 28 are included in the IPPC Phytosanitary treatments search tool that allow sorting based on treatment type, target pests and commodities. Additionally, the search tool returns results from phytosanitary treatments that are not adopted by the CPM but posted on the phytosanitary resource page as "contributed of resources".

Unofficial Translations Portuguese translation provided by MAPA, Brazil.
Vietnamese translation provided by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dong Da, Viet Nam
Mots-clés associés au thème
C1 C2  
Date d'envoi
Adopted Standards (ISPMs)

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