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Workshops and Symposia

Title Year Venue
Technical Training on Banana Fusarium wilt in Cambodia2019 - 2020Cambodia
Technical Training on Fruit Flies in Sri Lanka2019 -2020Sri Lanka
Pest Free Areas and Surveillance symposium2019Shizuoka, Japan
Chinese initiative One Belt countries symposium2019Xi-An, China
Chinese initiative One Road countries symposium2018Nanning, China
Expert Meeting – IPPC Monitoring and Evaluation2017Wellington, New Zealand
Discussion on Analyzing the Benefits of Implementing the IPPC2016Washington, D.C., USA
Categorization of commodities (ISPM32) Pre-CPM11 workshop2016Rome, Italy
Round Table Discussion on indicators of implementation of the IPPC2013Windsor, United Kingdom
Global symposium on plant pest surveillance2012Anyang, Seoul, Republic of Korea2012
Regional workshop for the review of phytosanitary surveillance in the context of ISPM 62012Cairo, Egypt
Regional workshop for the review of phytosanitary surveillance in the context of ISPM 62012Yerevan, Armenia
Regional workshop for the review of phytosanitary surveillance in the context of ISPM 62012Hastings, Barbados
Regional workshop for the review of phytosanitary surveillance in the context of ISPM 62012Chiang Rai, Thailand
Regional workshop for the review of phytosanitary surveillance in the context of ISPM 62012Accra, Ghana
Regional workshop for the review of phytosanitary surveillance in the context of ISPM 62012Santiago, Chile
Plant Health Risk Analysis workshop2005Niagara Falls, Canada
Training material on pest risk analysis based on IPPC standards
Wood packaging materials (ISPM15) workshops2004-2017
Invasive species and the IPPC workshop2003Braunschweig, Germany
Expert Consultation on the strength of measures for regulated pests which have a minor biological impact1998Rome, Italy
National Reporting Obligation (NRO) Workshops
Title Year Venue
NRO Workshop Near East and North Africa Regions (NENA)2019Beirut, Lebanon
NRO Workshop Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia2018Moscow, Bykovo, Russian Federation
NRO Workshop - Pacific2017Nadi, Fiji
IPP / NRO training for the APPPC region2016Pejin, China
Pre-CPM-10 Training2015Rome, Italy
November - Central African Workshop2013Libreville, Gabon
Central African Editors Workshop2013Libreville, Gabon
APPPC: Capacity Building in the Use of the IPP2011Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ePhyto Symposia& Workshops
Title Year Venue
IPPC ePhyto South West Pacific Regional Workshop2019Nadi, Fiji
3rd IPPC Global Symposium on ePhyto2018Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2nd IPPC Global Symposium on ePhyto2015Incheon, Republic of Korea
1st IPPC Global Symposium on ePhyto2012Vitoria City, Espirito Santo State, Brazil
IPPC OEWG on Electronic Certification Workshop2011Seoul, Republic of Korea